We help clients to think about what may be affecting their mindset and emotions, supporting them to build positive relationships whilst taking care of themselves.

Our positive mental health and wellbeing programmes encourage and support our clients to develop positive strategies that will enable them to cope with difficult life situations.

Brighter Futures' facilitators support clients to identify healthy strategies to improve and maintain positive mental well-being. We help clients to think about what may be affecting their mindset and wellbeing supporting them in building positive relationships whilst taking care of themselves.

We all face challenges in life however, with positive mental health we are able to bounce back more easily from these experiences to better cope.

🔗 To view and download our latest programme brochure

For parents/carer

Improve Mum-to-be, and babies overall Wellbeing with this rolling relaxation perinatal pathway which is offered to Pregnant Mums.

This 12-week ongoing Brighter Storks group will introduce Mum-to-be, to our wellbeing programmes which are designed to develop relaxation strategies that encourage a positive state of mind and body. This will enhance mum’s ability to feel safe and be better equipped to cope with life’s ups and downs.

During these 12 weeks, mum-to-be will experience taster sessions from several of our wellbeing groups.

We hold an information morning where we invite relevant agencies to come and meet our families. These include representatives from Speech and Language, Midwifery, Health Visitors, MIND Perinatal practitioner, plus many more. This multi-agency format will give mum-to-be the opportunity to talk and ask questions and so aid her with a good understanding of other services available in Jersey.

Click here for 🔗 the brochure - 2024 MEL Brighter Storks brochure A Perinatal Wellbeing Pathway

For parents/carers

Massage has many health benefits that can reduce stress, tension, heart rate, blood pressure, sore muscles, and joint pain and can increase endorphins, blood circulation, and immune functions.

For parents/carers

Our Mindfulness course, run by Dr Carolyn Coverley, teaches how to live our lives in the present moment.

The sessions are based on meditation and relaxing yoga techniques which, when practiced regularly can help to reduce feelings of anxiety and stress helping us to feel more in control and able to cope with challenging situations.

This interactive course is friendly and supportive and is perfect for beginners.

For parents/carers

The wellbeing benefits of regular walking are well documented.

By putting a regular programme in place, parents are more likely to make time and join in. They enjoy the opportunity to reconnect with nature, improve their overall health and anxieties and connect with other parents. Being active promotes positive mental health, wellbeing and resilience enabling us to to cope better with difficult situations.

It improves self-perception and self-esteem, mood and sleep quality, and it reduces stress, anxiety and fatigue. Physically active people have up to a 30% reduced risk of becoming depressed, and staying active helps those who are depressed to recover.

For 6 years and up.

This is a method that uses simple drawing techniques and is designed to let a child process his or her feelings or worries, in a safe environment and at their own pace.

Drawing and Talking encourages each side of a child’s brain to work together to process memories by combining:

  • Drawing (creative) – which is a right-brained activity
  • Talking (verbal) – which is a left-brained activity

Some memories may be combined with high levels of emotion which are stored in the right brain and may be expressed in visual form through the child’s drawings.

Talking about the drawing allows a ‘THINKING PROCESS’ to take place which may help a child process their thoughts and feelings.

For parents/carer

As you bring your physical, mental and emotional systems into coherent alignment, you begin to experience increased access to your heart’s intuitive guidance.

Tuning into your heart’s wisdom creates a profound shift within that helps you approach situations with more emotional balance, compassion, clarity and personal confidence.

For parents/carer

Learn how to calm your mind through our 6 weeks relaxation/meditation course.

Meditation is a gentle way to bring more peace and calm into your life. By balancing the nervous system, through relaxation techniques and focusing your mind in the present moment you can reduce stress and live a much happier and healthier life.

This is a 6 week course of an hour of deep relaxation with creche facilities available if required.

For parents/carers

Regular physical activity can improve muscle strength and may boost endurance.

Exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helps your cardiovascular system work more efficiently.

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