Channel Islands Co-operative help to make a real difference in our communities this Easter.

Help us make a real difference in our communities this Easter. Get involved in our Easter community appeal by helping us to donate care packages to islanders in need.
Getting involved is simple:
🟡 Purchase a special Easter donation voucher at one of our tills for just £2.50 from Grand Marché, Locale or En Route stores.
🔵 For every donation voucher you buy, we will match the donation.
🟢 Each matched donation will pay for a care package of treats worth £5, that will be distributed by local charities: @SalvationArmyJersey, Brighter Futures Jersey, Jersey Shelter Trust Fund Raising, Age Concern Jersey, Causeway Jersey, Jersey Women's Refuge, Jersey Association of Youth & Friendship, Les Cotils, Bright Beginnings Children's Centre, Wigwam Support Group, Guernsey Welfare Service, Age Concern Guernsey, Guernsey Salvation Army - Church and Community Centre
🔴 The charities will distribute the care packages to islanders in need in time for Easter.
Find out more about our appeal and how you can support it here
Your small change will help make a real difference in our community.